BibleDavid Morrow LMFTFruitful Vine

Fruitful Vine Focus: Scriptures for Family Relationships Part 1

This week’s focus is on Scriptures that address relationships in the family.

Have you ever been to another country that has a very different culture? Within American culture, there are significant differences. Sometimes there are significant differences in the culture of a company. Morale can be low, or morale can be high, and this will impact the perceptions of employees. If they think they are valued, they will perform at a higher standard than if they feel underappreciated. What about the culture of your family? What are the things that are prioritized?

Christian tradition tells us that Paul wrote the book of Hebrews, but the author does not identify the audience. However, it is apparent that the audience members are Christians. In that context, here is our verse for today. Hebrews 10:24 “Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works.”

Remember that children learn almost everything by example, and how they are treated at home will strongly influence and inform how they will expect to be treated in society. Therefore, if you foster a culture of loving acts and good works, you are creating a loving culture for your family, and training your children to give love, to give acts of service, and to embrace people as Jesus would embrace them.

I am Rev. David Morrow, a licensed marriage and family therapist. If you would like to comment or see reference material, go to You can also find out more information about the Christian family-oriented products and services that we provide at that same website, and that is your fruitful vine focus.

Photo by Samuel Martins on Unsplash

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