BibleDavid Morrow LMFTFruitful Vine FocusMarriage

Fruitful Vine Focus: Scriptures for Family Relationships Part 3

This week’s focus is on Scriptures that address relationships in the family. The book of Ruth reveals such a rich story of a family from Bethlehem that struggled to the point that they needed to go to travel in search of food. They went to the land of Moab, and the Moabites were their people’s long-term enemy. This story takes places about 50 years after Ehud, the Judge form Bethlehem, concealed a knife as he passed the guards of the Moabite king. In a private meeting, Ehud used the knife and stabbed the Moabite king to death. He was able to escape without anyone being aware. Fifty years later, the Moabite people were still angry. Imagine the reaction of the Lincoln family if family members of John Wilks Booth showed up looking for food in 1915.

This family chose to remain in Moab. While they were there, the father, Elimelech, died. The oldest son Mahlon, and the youngest son Kilyon married Moabite women. They were named Orpah, and Ruth.  Ten years later, the two sons died leaving only Naomi, Elimelech’s wife, and the two daughters in law. When Ruth finds out that the Lord has blessed her homeland again, she wants to go back. She tells the two ladies to go back to their families of origin. Orpah agrees, but Ruth remains loyal.

She said “Don’t ask me to leave you and turn back. Wherever you go, I will go; wherever you live, I will live. Your people will be my people, and your God will be my God. Ruth 1:16

Loyalty is such an important part of what it means to be a family. How can you be most loyal to your family today?

I am Rev. David Morrow, a licensed marriage and family therapist. If you would like to comment or see reference material, go to You can also find out more information about the Christian family-oriented products and services that we provide at that same website, and that is your fruitful vine focus.

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