BibleFaithFruitful Vine Focus

Fruitful Vine Focus: Scriptures for Family Relationships Part 4

On occasion, a new video will make its rounds through social media that has a small child adamantly denying responsibility for some negative behavior and the child is still holding the evidence that indicates his or her guilt. Attempting to avoid the punishment for inappropriate behavior starts as soon as a child starts to connect negative behaviors with consequences. All of us have tried to cover up something. However, Peter tells us this: “Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins.” 1 Peter 4:8 This type of covering sin is not the same as the covering that I just described.

In families, we see the loving wonderful parts of each other. We also see the growth areas of each individual in our family. When we see those difficult parts of each other, the only thing that will solve that problem is forgiveness. One very positive definition of forgives is this: I give up my right to hurt you for hurting me. Our natural response is to hurt someone in retaliation. Oftentimes people think that the hurt disappears when you forgive, and if it doesn’t disappear, then the forgiveness is not complete. That is not true. When Jesus said “Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they are doing, he was still hanging on the cross. That still hurt! Forgiveness is the only path that allows the hurt to resolve to peace. Do you have a family member that you need to forgive? Talk to them today.

I am Rev. David Morrow, a licensed marriage and family therapist. If you would like to comment or see reference material, go to You can also find out more information about the Christian family-oriented products and services that we provide at that same website, and that is your fruitful vine focus.

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