Amanda WhaleyDavid Morrow LMFTFruitful Vine FocusThrough Her Eyes

Fruitful Vine Focus: Through Her Eyes

As a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, I provide over 1100 hours of counseling each year. I enjoy working with couples the most. I have spent many hours listening to the things that people complain that their spouse will not do. Ladies often complain that their husband is not romantic anymore. When this is brought up in session, men often say “If you tell me what to do, I will do it.” Ladies incredulously respond with “If I have to tell you what to do, it is not romantic. That does not count.” Ladies have a need, but in order for the need to be met, the man must know what she wants him to do without her telling him. Most men feel frustrated and do nothing.

In 2017, I published a book titled Through Her Eyes: A Man’s Guide to His Wife’s Need for Romance. The book is written directly to men to help them learn what his wife needs, why she needs it, and how he can pull it off without feeling like he lost his man card. Dr. Gary Chapman, author of the five love languages series of books endorsed my book. He said it is “a practical, readable guide for any husband who sincerely wants to have a growing marriage.” Ladies often successfully use the book as a way to help their husbands understand what they have been trying to tell them. Your copy is available at

This is Rev. David Morrow, and that is your Fruitful Vine Focus.

Photo Credit: Amanda Whaley

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