Amanda WhaleyCaitlyn SuttonCaroline SuttonDavid Morrow LMFTStephen Morrow

My Sugarbear

Between 1508 and 1512, Michelangelo pained the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. As one of the most recognized paintings in the history of art, the centerpiece of this incredible work is “The Creation of Adam.” Michelangelo depicted Adam lounging and lazily extends his finger toward God. In contrast, God is an elderly yet muscular man that is passionately stretching out to reach Adam. Many have noted that God’s initiation is always intentional, and the response of humanity is lackadaisical. I am not God, and I do not wish to be. Yet, I want to share a story with you, and I wonder if this is what God’s experience is like.


On July 24, 1996, my lovely daughter came into this world. I was standing by her mother as the doctor performed a C-Section. Amanda Renee was the name we had selected. However, from the moment I saw her, she became my Sugarbear. Immediately following her delivery, Sugarbear was breathing on her own and was very peacefully alert. The nurse wiped off her body and placed her in the warmer. I walked over to meet my daughter, and I had the surprise of my life. Staring down at my beautiful little girl, I heard the nurse say “You can touch her if you want to.” I decided to take my finger and gently caress the side of her face. Sugarbear’s eyes were opening and we shared a moment of eye to eye contact as my finger moved toward her face. Her beautiful eyes noticed my finger coming toward her, and she took her left hand and grabbed my finger. I stood there in total disbelief as I held my daughter’s hand for the first time. The mutual initiation of our first touch is a moment I will always treasure.

It is my belief that God is constantly reaching out to us, just as Michelangelo painted so many years ago. It is not God’s desire to control us. God’s desire is for a relationship. It is my prayer that each and every day I will follow Sugarbear’s example and grab God’s finger and hold on. Additionally, I want to follow God’s example and offer unconditional love, amazing grace, and trustworthy guidance to Stephen, Amanda, Caitlyn, and Caroline.


What about you? Are there moments in your life that taught you a spiritual lesson? If so, describe it in the comments.

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