
Remember Your First Kiss?

How did you feel? Were you nervous? Were you confident? Were you cocky? What about your first kiss with your wife? What about your most recent kiss with her?

In the beginning, relationships have infatuation as a primary feeling, and gradually those feelings develop into love, respect, and so many other feelings necessary to sustain a commitment to each other. The struggles of life can sometimes make it difficult to remain focused on those feelings. A relationship is not just a feeling. In fact, love is a commitment that you don’t throw away just because you don’t “feel” like maintaining it. It is work to keep the relationship alive. Yet, it is important to stoke the fire of the feelings. Spend some time thinking about the initial time you spent with your wife and how you chased her. Now that she has invested her life into you, don’t stop chasing her. Create some new memories.

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